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Reignite your flame

A small group coaching program to support burnout prevention, recovery and stress management.

  • Ended
  • From 1,222 Canadian dollars
  • Virtual

Available spots

Service Description

Are you feeling burnt out and uninspired in your work, relationships, or life? Reignite your flame with our group coaching program, Healing from Burnout. Over three months, you'll participate in biweekly live coaching calls (recorded for those who need to miss a session) and personalized coaching between calls to help you realign your values and purpose. Danielle specializes in helping professionals find sustainable change and reconnect with themselves and their work. This program has been expertly designed to help you: - feel realigned with who you are - learn the signs and symptoms of burnout - develop long-lasting skills to recover and prevent further burnout - find joy, serenity, and freedom - learn how to comfortably open up space for play and light in your life - discover sustainable solutions through coaching and therapeutic modalities - understand your values and how to align your internal and external worlds - learn nervous system and emotional regulation tools - heal in a safe and supportive environment. The program includes: - 8 group coaching sessions on the first and third Wednesday from February 21st - April 10th at 12pm EST, 9am PST, 5pm GMT - weekly voice notes and texting individual & group coaching support - recorded sessions for lifelong access to program & to ensure you never miss a call - community and connection - Optional support: see the additional offering for more 1-1 support throughout your journey. Join Reignite your flame and start your journey back to you.

Cancellation Policy

Our programs are non-refundable and non-transferable. This is a coaching program with therapeutic modalities and is not meant to replace 1-1 therapy or in-person support. If a higher level of mental health support is needed, clinical recommendations may be made. Groups are designed to be safe and supportive - it is paramount we respect the confidentiality of participants.

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